Minggu, 31 Mei 2015


Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Good afternoon every body,in this nice opportunity,firstly I would like to thank to almighty Allah for his mercies and blessings so we can assemble in this meeting in well condition,secondly,shalawat and salam may it be awarded to the great messenger or the great prohpet Muhammad SAW,who has been guiding us from stupidity into the cleverness,from the darkness into the lightness it is a moslem.
We all already  know  how  moral of  teenagers in the current era.Yeah,they have a lot of  morals that deviate from the theachings of  the islamic religion.Many of  teenagers who smoke,booze,brawl,and even being a drug addict.Though,teenagers are the future generation.If  it’s like this,how about the future of our country?
In this case,the role of  parents and  the neighborhood  is in need.Parents must be careful and wary of their children association.They must know and recognize his familiar friend.Why do I mention asociation here? Because in general,the moral damage by teenagers association.Therefore,we as a teenager,as the future generationmust be careful in their dealings.Let us not fall into the free intercourse.
Ok,I think enough,all of my speech I would like to apologize if have some mistakes of my speech,thank for your attention,take care of your selves the last I want to say

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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