I think,english is very important in this era.Why I say that,because in this era,english is very need to go to university. When we would go to the university , the english language skills we will be at first test, extent the english ability we have.
Be sides it,english is International language.So many countries in the world learn english.Moreover,english is very important to get a job easyly.At this time, a lot of work that requires expertise in using the English language.
For me, English was quite difficult to be learned. However, I will not give up and will keep trying so that I can speak English fluently
I think family is the most important part in my life . They are encouraging me to be successful and useful to the nation , religion , and the many people. Especially my mother and father , both of them are like an angel to me.
I was the third child of five siblings. I have three sisters and one brother .My sister name is Mahmudah,Mutmainnah,and Zulfah,whereas my brother name is Sofyan.My sister first was married , now she lived in Surabaya. I have two nephew , one male and one female . The first name is Asa, he was just 3 years, now he was ECD ( early childhood education ). While the second ,her name is Nafisa,she was just 9 months. I love them both and all my family.
I will try to make my family proud of me
I go to school in MAN Bangkalan.I think that my school wide and great. I think my school is the finest school in my area. So many accomplishments already achieved by my school .Both in academic and non-academic . Both at the regency or provincial.
Facilities and infrastructure at my school is complete. There are about 32 classrooms in the school, science laboratories , language laboratories , and computer laboratories.There is also a BK room , teacher room, toilets , chamber music , student council room , parking lot , security post, canteen and administrative room.Be sides it, my school is also equipped with a hall and dormitory.Musola at my school can be fairly spacious and clean. Field at my school is also very spacious and beautiful , will be more beautiful when seen from the top floor.
At my school there is also a very special class of service , which is a accelerated clas.In this class we just finished school for 2 years , but not all students are able to get into classes.Just students who meet the requirements are able to get into this accelerated classes.
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